GNOME DOWN! Tikker and the Feesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, November 1, 2000 -- tigole

Ah. . . Halloween Eve. . . .
Rivervale, that quaint town populated with gorgeous and brilliant people, nestled between Misty Thicket and the Kithicor Forest, seemed as though the perfect place for some Legacy of Steel members to enjoy Trick or Treat festivities as well as partake in a cocktail or 12. Amulek Truthbringer showed up in a costume. . . well, I can only decribe as: Amulek - Uber-Neon-Pimp-of-HGS. Nevertheless, the young Halflings were delighted by his constume. So much so, that after Amulek had dispensed all his candy, he resorted to passing out his Dragon-Resist gear as Treats. Nice treats indeed.
Daelomin, that lanky, pasty, fun-loving High Elf disguised himself as a Halfling with a dish of nuts (my costume every day of the year) for the trick or treating festivities. Me, I went as Sirran the Lunatic.
Well all the fun and games was just dandy till we recieved an urgent distress call that a Dragon was assaulting the masses in Lake of Ill Omen. Upon arrival we were shocked to see it was our old rival, Faydedar, more commonly known among our ranks as: THE FEEEEESH.
Did you hear the one about the Feesh, the Ogre, the Dorf and the Cowboy?
Typical Heckling: Guess the Feesh ain't cool with old Sewer after all.
Finally to our Hero! The Feesh actually dropped a much needed quest item which puts Nizzarr only one item away (a Venril Sathir drop) from completing his Epic Weapon Quest. This seemed especially appropriate since it was Nizzarr who kited the Feesh away from a mass of corpses and pulled it to our awaiting army where we promptly laid the ol' LoS smack-down. But the Feesh dropped another item as well. . .a Crystalline Spear. In the spirit of the holiday, we decided that rather than horde this item to ourselves, it would be put to better use in the hands of a fledgling backstabber. Our ultimate choice was the mighty Tikker Gimblestan, who is no doubt already unleashing a reign of terror across the face of Norrath.
Pictured Above: Chon bends down to pick up some tips on how the whole hide/sneak thing works from the mighty Tikker.