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HAPPY THANKSGIVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thursday, November 23, 2000 --  tigole image

Legacy of Steel: Heart & Soul of The Nameless

Parv, Ariel and Glubgawd with their new weaps

Congratulations Parv, Ariel and Glubgawd!

(click pic for sword stats)

There's only one phrase to describe the Spiroc Lord: Our Bitch .



Congratulations to Parv, Glubgawd, Ariel, Umberlee, Joboba, Uggly, Leick, KEKE and Desp on their Spiroc Wingblades!

Our time in air also allowed Saldor, Nizzarr, Adorean, Monq, Oogtuug (x2), KEKE, Brionca and yours truly to finish quests.  Ozus is one item away from finishing a quest, but he simply lacks a common drop that's probably on someone's mule.  So we racked up 10 finished quests this trip.  It's too fuggin late for me to go into who got what, so unless they posted a screenshot like Oog did, you're S.O.L.  I'll do my best to remember.  Saldor got the chanter mask.  Adorean finished the Rainment of Thunder quest.  Monq has new slippers.  Oog has a new ring and sky haste belt.  KEKE has aerated pauldruns.  And Brionca and myself both finished the Griffon Spauldor quest.  Tork and Cyni also both looted haste belts tonight, so grats to both of them as well.  Oh yes, Demius looted Weight of the Gods as well as Yarri (last night). 

Some of the heart-wrenching rots of the night: Symbol of Mar, Spiroc Wingblade, Weight of the Gods, and a Treant Tear. . .just to name a few.  Oh well.


Oogtuug's new belt and ring

Monq getting his Slippers of Molestation

Kendrick blows some smoke my way. . .

A major Guild THANK YOU goes out to Jeddite.  If it weren't for Jeddy's sacrifice tonight, none of these quest items would be possible.  We owe Jeddy major HGS for being the Pasty Superhero he is.  Thanks Jeddite.

Getting back to Air. . .Let's not forget the Overseer of Air:

And of course the Keeper of Souls died:

A horse is a horse of course of couse unless he's Mr. Dead

Have a great holiday everyone.  No update tomorrow most likely.  All you Canadian's and other foriegn bastards quit yer bitchin.  Ya all complain when Thanksgiving shuts the ol' US down but when the next uprising breaks out and our fighter jets are saving your ass. . . ok, ok. .. I'll just STFU.  I love you all.  Even my Canadien and Foreign Bastard friends.  Peace on Earth.  War on Norrath.