How Much For The Women? The Little Girl . . . How Much for the Little Girl? I Want To Buy Your Childrens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday, December 4, 2000 -- tigole

Yesterday I went to a hockey game with my brothers. Was gone most the day, into the evening. Of course, somehow I manage to lock myself out of my apartment. I think about knocking on the Manager's door and waking him up (it's about 10pst at this point) but then I remember it's December now and, oh shit, I forgot to pay rent. Plus I can hear my f'ing dog barking. So I wasn't to privy to banging on the Manager's door, having him come up to my apartment, with barking dog, late rent, and letting me in. I finally get a key from my father who lives a few towns away. Anyway, I turn on the computer and see a post from Rakab on our message board saying Dragons are up! Talendor, Severilous, Gorenaire. . . all spawned. Wow, I think to myself. We just killed them. How awesome that there are more dragons for us to keeeeeel. I am very psyched to hear the loot. I hope that someone took screenshots so I don't have to post a bunch of old pics of dead dragons.
Well, apparently we are now a roleplaying guild. All dragons alive when I log in. It's too late for a raid. There is one cleric online. Let me practice my roleplaying:
/em gives a swift boot to the ass to all guildmembers who let dragons live
/em boggle
/em hi hun. i am really a girl in real life. i look just like my wood elf character. i even wear leather pants around the house
wow, roleplaying is fun. sure beats dead dragons.
Never being a quitter. I decide to put together a hasty raid to quench my bloodthirst. Unfortunately, the only one interested is me. The raid is set. the CHANCELLOR DI ZOK in Lake of Ill Omen must die! Wow. Here's a pic after the big defeat:
It was a tough fight but our raid party, me, survived. Usually, we don't give out our strategies (sorry all my level 1 friends) but just this once I will share some of my uber-l33tness with you. Buffs are key. First I buff with Jboots. Next comes Ultravision. Then Strength of Earth combined with my +7 attack buff from my Shrunken Goblin Earring. At this point I am a virtual killing machine. There is no stopping me. I prefer to stand in the corner and with any luck, get a nice clean solo pull of the Chancellor. Next I press the "A" button. If Chancellor Mo Faka starts casting, I move around and backstab him. Quite l33t. I can see this being copied and pasted all over the net already. . . .My dominance of the Chacellor spawn is no more. . .Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Anyway, here is some of the FINE loot obtained on Sunday:
Quotes of The Day:
Today's quotes of the day are indicative of classism in EQ. . .poor bards