Big Bossman. . .You Ain't So Big, You just Tall, That's All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday, December 19, 2000 -- tigole

Congratulations to Desp and Uggly on completing their Epic Weapon Quests!
Chode-suck. . .err. . I mean Chardok, the zone designed to make the HOLE and Kedge Keep look like fun. . .yep, Chardok was the scene of the crime tonight. I'll give Chardok this much -- it's no Siren's Grotto. . .
Three Kings, Three Queens and a Poosae Lizard. Almost a good hand if we were playing seven card stud.
There's your dead Queens.
Three dead Kings. . .
And the previously mentioned Dead Poosae Lizard
All kidding aside, Chardok was pretty fun tonight. I think in my vast uber-l33tness I have discovered the trick to truly enjoying the zone. Here's what ya do: Go out to the store and buy yourself a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label. No, I'm not talking about Red Label you cheap son of a bitch, buy the good stuff. You need as little to complain about as possible, you're in Chardok. At least be drunk on good whiskey. I spent months refining this Chardok strat and I must admit, it basically is heaven-sent. Sweet Liquor, how it eases the pain. . .
I guess I have some sort of responsibility to report the drops of the night. All that matters is that two out of three Queens dropped blades tonight. The rest was a bunch of garbage. We got one of those SK daggers. . .10/28. . .off the queen. Thanks for the swift kick in the nuts, Verant. My destroy button was getting dusty because I hadn't been to the HOLE in a few weeks. Thank god Chardok gave me a chance to work that bad-boy again. Venril dropped Pally legs. . .congrats bank! He also dropped a piece of shiznit staff, big surprise. Luckily we have Venril down to a 30 minute endeavour so there's not much to be bitter about there, unless you're like me, and get your rocks off being drunk and bitter just because. . .
Well, I know you'll all be dissapointed to hear this, but I'm off to Vegas again tomorrow. Another rush-hour drive there and back. So you'll have to deal with CNN or perhaps the Associated Press for your daily news. I know, I know, hardly a substitute for the fine journalism you get here each day. No one said life was perfect. Zone into Sirran's Goatass if you don't believe me. And remember, if you're on I-15 tomorrow and you see a big-ass truck coming at you fast from behind, get the hell outta my lane ;)
Stalkers, Wanna-Be's and Unoriginal Bastards of the Day:
Woot! Our first Ariel imposter:
This one is from Fennin Ro (thanks VanZant):
Misdirected Conversations of the Day:
Quotes of the Day: