Been Dazed and Confused For So Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thursday, December 21, 2000 -- tigole

Apologies for lack of an update today. My Vegas run turned into a hangover which turned into the flu. Yay me. I logged on for about 20 minutes last night, said hi to the guild then passed out at 6:45pm. Gotta love getting 12 hours of sleep though. Felt like I was in college again. From my brief time online I gathered enough to let you know that the guild was doing Plane of Growth again. Sounds like they got some nice items. I know Rogue Gloves, Rogue Hat, Warrior Boots, two pairs of Enchanter Slippers, and a Shadow Knight Bracer all dropped while I was there. Pretty sure the guild killed Venril again on patch day. Apparently he dropped something useless as usual or else I would have heard about it. Ok, back to drinking juice and being miserable. Hopefully I'll have a *real* update for my homies late tonight or tomorrow. --Tig
Advice of the Day:
Don't try to drive a truck with 11 foot clearance into a 7 foot tall parking garage. Trust me.
Quote of the Day: