Really Love Your Peaches, Wanna Shake Your Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday, February 10, 2001 -- tigole

Just a Lil Veeshan's Peak
Mr. Hoshkar dies again. Was one of the smoothest Hoshkar kills ever. Loot was very nice too. Gray suede boots for Polonious, Wizzy Lure Cane for Ozus and a Mage Robe for Sokritize. . .I think it has Effect: summon booze or something like that.
Silverwing loot. . .well. . .this picture sums it up pretty well:
That's me destroying all the loot. Shaman Hammer and two Druid Staffs. As Kurt Vonnegut would say, So it goes. . .
If you don't know who Kurt Vonnegut is, turn off the fucking computer and open a book.
We also tried Phara Dar but we had a less-than-stellar turn-out and basically knew we were going into the fight like lambs to the slaughter. I could go into detail why we didn't try the "poosae" dragons but it's a long story and won't make sense to anyone who hasn't been there before. In any event, we did have a fun PD fight with our small little force. . .
Oh, we did also kill Talendor. . a.k.a. the Doormat of Veeshan's Peak. Someone in the guild told me to stop posting pictures of Talendor, that it's embarrassing. Last I checked no one else on the server has killed him, so until then, suffer the wrath of my boring, embarrassing Talendor pcitures:
Stalkers, Wanna-be's and Unoriginal Bastards:
Quote of the Day: