Eight, Eight, I Forget What Eight Was For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday, July 14, 2001 -- tigole

Sleepers Tomb Pillaged Again
As you can see we ripped through ST again tonight. Was a very smooth clearing and the loot was decent:
To some of you these icons might mean something. . .
All you really need to know is that Cyni and me are now Gnome-capable!! Finally one step closer to Arabella. . .
So the reason you go to ST is to get your guild equipped. We did a good job of that tonight. If Ariel doesn't piss mobs off with her new Primal Warsword and this sceptre, I don't know what will:
Is it just me or does Parv look REALLY short in that picture?
Gotta love when your guildmates start banking epic weapons. We also picked up this bracer:
Really, if you're on dragon faction, the bracer is nothing to blow your wad over. Then again, who needs an excuse to blow a wad? Certainly not me.
In case you're wondering we did try Ventani. We went down quicker than Rhap's Mom for a ten dollar quicky.
I think the problem is we don't have enough Halflings. I picked up my Bat Phone and called VI. Brad obliged. . .meet the new Manalope:
Need Your Help!
The poll is shaping up nicely. This interview with Jangos helped her pull into the lead. Crazz and I are in a state of shock that Rhap's Mom is bringing up the rear. But then again, she always did like it from behind. . .
Mort and Gage, Uber Bankers
Had to prove to Mort that I wasn't favoring Gage. . .
Quote of the Day