I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, July 17, 2002 -- tork

Emp: 17 LoS: 1
Wooooooooooo! Weeks of work culminated tonight with LoS literally destroying the Emp in near perfect form and fashion - no bullshit or tomfoolery, just straight up teamwork. No question we struggled with this snake, but I can totally relate to how All Star game managers must feel when trying to sort out a bullpen - our clerics are top notch (with magical rings up the wazoo BANNED) and it wasn't easy adapting to the automaton nature of CH rotations from our trademark chaos healing. I can't express how great it felt to see that motherfucker face down like only Luther Campbell would truly understand, but it was also a huge sense of relief after coming so very close, attempt after attempt.

With all due respect to drama, the Greeks believed tragedy plus time equaled comedy - and looking back at this win, from Ssra key camps and shards to seemingly endless coffin runs after being so very close, nothing seems more apt or true - we did have a lot of fun and at times shit went so horribly wrong all you can do is to laugh - and that's what kept us logging in, night after night, ready to try again - that, and to block the zone so naked dorfs suffocated.

But on to the stuff you people really care about, loot, which happened to be incredibly good - Mooto even got the first Garrison's, but was on the wrong end of the deal.

Again, congrats to all my guildmates - I'm proud of killing the Emp, but more so in how we pulled it off.
/non-HGS hug~
Stalkers, Wanna-be's and Unoriginal Bastards
- You too, little buddy. =(
Quote of the Day