They Do It All The Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Friday, July 26, 2002 -- tork

So LoS has taken it's first serious foray into VT and what can I say? I'm disappointed to be honest - you put so much effort into getting everyone keyed up, killing the Emp, the endless shard camps plus competing with other guilds for orbs and then...

Hey wow - mobs that AE blind. If they'd only enrage I'd be happy as a pig in shit. I'll give credit where credit is due - the architecture is well done, even if it looks like a few tiles got ripped straight out C:\WINDOWS, but clearing it repeatedly each night, killing 15-20 mobs every 50 feet, even it gets old (and God forbid you fuck up with the no-rent keys and waste six hours, not that we did that jejejejejejejejejejejejejeje).
Like I was talking with Dregor Thule (Cazic's fluff boy), with its horribly boring layout, mega million hp mobs and the attendant zone-equivalent time sinks, VT is a perfectly appropriate ending to this busted fucking expansion. Sorry, I really can't write anymore that won't sound suspiciously like whining.
LoS has and will have fun in VT, we're always like that, and personally I'm glad we can go in there with a return to our usual 40-50 tight nit crew - but it won't be because of the content.
Anyhow, we killed some nondescript mobs and got some nice stuff. I'll save you a trip to AR - here ya go:

Hi - first VT drop. Grats Mort!
So now I'll move on something that has been bugging the shit out of me. I waited a while to see what the response would be to the fucking ninja IM nerf on bards you cocksuckers didn't have the sack to mention in the patch message, and predictably, Alan came trotting out with this horseshit:
- I’m sorry for not catching this in the patch message. Basically because this
- was the way it was always intended to be, we were not aware that we’d fixed a bug.
Save the fucking excuses I know are coming, the ones where you say code got pushed before it was ready (no shit, we all brought SoL - we KNOW that routine), and please, after *9* months you're "fixing a bug" and don't feel the need to mention it? You want to fix a bug? Go fix procs and bard songs, go fix frame rates in the bazaar so it doesn't look like characters pop and lock like a Mitsubishi commercial - oh wait, you never fucking thought 750 people would be in the bazaar at once?
Hey, why don't you guys down in the Brain Trust just admit you have no fucking clue about bards, not in how they work, not in how they are played - and is painfully obvious, certainly not the code - and save me and the rest of the bard community from having a fucking aneurysm every patch day for shit you break, intentionally or simply due to ignorance and incompetence (or more likely, some unholy triumvirate).
But I'm not trying to veer too far off course, we're talking about you guys clearly giving us the fucking shaft. I'm not trying to get other classes nerfed, hell, I love that manaburn works so well and is 5 pts - it's a great tool, same with escape - at 9 pts we have tremendous recovery from dumbass mistakes (we're pretty good at those - oh, in a totally unrelated issue, if you have a Vox stick to sell, send Abru a tell)... but IM3 at 18 pts didn't by ANY means bring us up to where we should and need to be, but it helped a good deal - even if we're still slaved to our epic. Then this fucking piece of work patch comes along - Cong bards, another 18 pts later and we can have SM3 but still be in the red. No offense (I've already called you cocksuckers, but let's let bygones be bygones), but what the fuck were you guys thinking?
Never fear, I'm not here to just rant, I'm here to help:
- Remove head from ass
- Go to the boards - read the well documented issues
- Solicit input - note some whining bastards who can't form a sentence without the word fuck still have a point
- Get your design team and your programmers together - help them with number 1
- Go over the fucking problems
- FIX SHIT - if someone says it's too hard to fix or code, start firing people
- Go back to the boards - read the feedback
- Repeat as necessary - by the time you start looking for a number 8, I'll have something witty, insightful and hopefully without the word fuck (no promises).
I get all worked up about this shit, but I'm trying to calm down - please, email me at, check TCH - I don't care, do something or you risk losing the support of your most cohesive and tolerant player base community.
Bad Idea Jeans
Stalkers, Wanna-be's and Unoriginal Bastards
Quotes of the
Asshole of Guild Edition