Pictures Of You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday, October 21, 2002 -- tork

The first few days of a new expansion are amazing fun, everything is new and waiting to be found, there are no Safehouse spoilers and best of all, those Gem Encrusted Rings thrown out to entice the masses (I'm so sure it was completely accidental 3 expansions in a row we've had end game drops off moss snakes). Anyone can wait until some stuffy-nosed official date, but hot dammit, don't they know who we are?? We, we here at the Evil Empire, picked up the batphone to the other Evil Empire and got comp'd a few copies of PoP a day early, so despite me checking Aten with bard track,

we headed off to PoP and thankfully left VT behind - sayfuckinnara
Let me preface this by saying I really did cancel my PoP preorder - I was thoroughly disgusted with some recent events, and there was a sincere moment when we all considered just how much we wanted to really go thru another 5 levels and attendant gayness... but PoP looks good so far - short downtime, easy patching, relative stability and just that minor thing about being about to level up and PoP was by far the best launched VI expansion to date - hopefully they will keep the extra provisioned band width for another few weeks as international copies begin to arrive.
More later, but enjoy the shots, and if for nothing other than Fleet of Foot going live, I'm excited again about playing - fuck knights and the gimp horses you rode in on~
Viva la Empire!
Get in mah bellay
We killed fucking Mickey Mouse and found the Ring of Mouse, but still,
New Expansion - Same Positioning
Neutral my ass, we found the KoS stuff in the Plane of Justice rather
The irony finding Desp in the Plane of Knowledge stands on its
Plane of Tranquility - 10 miles of sugar white sandy beaches and one
giant fucking sewer pipe.
Stalkers, Wanna-be's and Unoriginal Bastards
Quotes of the Day