Back In Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday, August 19, 2003 -- tork

Cue obligatory Coldplay reference and associated NOT GAY
Wow, victory is so much sweeter when you work for it, and we certainly weren't let down with VZ - it's funny that this dude is such a horrific wuss on the outside but yet has held up so many guilds. In a way I hate luck fights, it's just not cool to lose when you've done everything right, but on the other hand in a case like this, I can see the appeal - so many things have to go right and those elements are varied, entertaining and challenging that just this once it's okay (hint: don't wear it out).
PoTime can sometimes be a drag, but to VI's credit, we haven't once felt like we were beating our heads against the wall (memories of SoL) - each encounter is well staged and has a point/purpose, though I don't agree or thing some of them are especially enjoyable *coughTier 1*. I caught a little shit from our friendly ex-arch rival dirty euros asking what was taking so long, but the truth is we only tried VZ a hand full of times for real - I won't take anything away from them for getting it done - however you do it, a win's a win, and with this guy, that's with a capital W~

Of course, if you've made it this far, how could you NOT go kill the original EQ candy machine, CT?

Don't even ask how he got there...
Good times, good times, and truth be told after all the bitching, moaning and whining, PoTime's been damn good to us (translation: loot~, or should I say Loot with a capital L~):
With all these CAPS flying around, it seems a perfect way to welcome Berton Strongheart as the newest LoS Guildleader - what a hell of a way to start things off with these kick ass wins, the faint diesel fumes of a big fucking steamroller are in the air, if you smell what the Evil Empire is cookin.
So here would be the spot where I make an excuse about not updating, but I won't - I have too much respect for my guild and you, the readers, to wax lame about:
- Not Having Enough Time
- Temper Tantrum Protest
Penile Malady
- More Later On This
The guild deserves a showcase for its accomplishments, but then again, every guild has one with the same trite insipid, jejune, vapid... you pick the flavor of boring-style "we killed x, we own" - that's only fun if you kill x first, but even then it rapidly becomes stale.
What always set our guild and our page apart was the humor - Tig was entertaining because not because he was an EQ player, but more in he was a real person who suffered though life surrounded by its wonderfully recounted foilables and flaws - that EQ happened to be a part of that mix was exactly the point, and so amid stories about Jack and bunny rabbits, his rants, and equally, his celebrations regarding EQ gave mirth, hope and a voice to those who lacked. EQ is fun, then as now, not because you got a mob's hp to 0 - fuck no, it's all in how you do it. In our case, it's with our eminently imitable but never equaled style, panache and and flair. Oh yah - and humility. I can honestly say I don't believe there's a better guild out there - sure, we have spats and oh maybe just a touch of drama~ but what it comes down to is we're good at what we do, and we have more fun at it than anyone.
You guys are only seeing a small part of Legacy of Steel here, but if you're hard of the core and interested in joining the fray, send me or nameless.Reynaldo a tell and we can point you in the right direction. We've got a post tacked up on the main board with some helpful inf0z, but from the very first day the guild was founded to the birth of the Evil Empire, we've held true to the notion if you play lots you'll be rewarded - sure that means loot, but looking back I see how its meant so much more:
Good Friends
So the other day I was strolling through Lesser Faydark harvesting brownie parts for baking when I stumbled onto our good friend Reynaldo. I tried speaking with him but he appeared not to be responding.
I went about my merry way when a train of FIERCE Dark Elves came running at me.
Being afraid of harm I quickly invised myself so not be bruised by these hooligans.
They had other plans than me it seemed, Reynaldo was their white whale, and wouldn't stop until his demise was met.

I pleaded with him to fight, but he stood there, taking their punishment as if sending them a message that he would not be bothered by their presence.
After a while, he started to succumb to their blows, but yet he remained steadfast in his taking of pain! (What a hero)

I knew it had to be stopped, but I myself was too afraid to take action against the brutes. So I sat quietly hoping he would become enraged and attack them!
Sadly he fell for his cause.

I will avenge him though, Reynaldo's brutal death will not go unpunished!
R.I.P. Sk8rboi

Reynaldo hath fallen.
-Aatrex, proud husband of Bender, undercover lover to Jippette
Intrepid Adventures
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
...a dancing wookiee named Skidmark was born:

Skidmark, a mere fledgling dancer in a universe full of legends, needed to train using the highly polished tutorial:

I found myself in the strange and colorful land of Nabboo. Seeing that the Empire is Divived (or something) I took it upon myself to venture out into the wilderness and begin unifying the land by destroying any enemy that might fall into my sites. Off in the distance I saw a threatening being. Suddenly my soundtrack began to swell. The brilliantly composed music of John Williams began to call me into battle. The trumpets harkened. The flutes trilled. A boom of thunder roared from the symphonic timpani. A great crescendo followed me as I valiantly delved into battle...

...against a gnort.
The demonic gnort perished yet the Empire still seemed to be Divided (or something). It was at that time that I was attacked by a perilous Duck-o-saurus. The Duck-o-saurus proved to be a mightier foe than the gnort and I soon realized that if I was going to undivide the Empire anytime soon, I would need some help...

Regretfully, the Duck-o-saurus was more powerful than my wookiee and I soon got my first taste of defeat:

I began to contemplate my role in the universe. Perhaps I wasn't meant to be out fighting in the dangerous swamp-grass-plains-marsh-lands of Nabboo. Maybe my real role as a dancing wookiee was to ply my trade in the cities, gaining the admiration of others and bringing peace to the universe through more diplomatic means:

Unfortunately, there were no takers. Again, I rethought my strategy. Perhaps I should go in search of some of the more familiar Star Wars icons I knew and loved:

During the journey I heard a tie fighter (either that or a flyingwashing machine) storm overhead. I hit the deck, and being the good citizen I am, warned my comrades:

I got so into role-playing that I began to think -- wait, no -- FEEL the force flowing through my veins. I knew I was chosen. My mitochondria or mitochloria count was skyrocketing! I was a jedi!! All I needed now wasthe power to activate my powers! But Master Yoda was no where to be found. And I would have to wait for the expansion before I could fly to Degoba. Panicked and drunk on force I turned to the citizens of Nabboo for help:

Yet no one replied... I am trapped, a budding Jedi, just waiting to burst out of my young Jedi closet... oh well, there's always tomorrow right?
Gnome Porn
I'm sure there's some really good story to explain exactly how and why Toshira's got his mitts all over Ms. Lane (yes, that's really him, yes that's really her), but like... The world may have to wonder~
You've had a lot of dick, Chasey Lane.
Speaking of wondering, no, of course I haven't forgotten my bout of Penial Maladay - actually, you know,sometimes I stop and ask myself if I should post this shit. Oh no, it's not at all that I'm worried it'll catch up to me when I run for President (it will~), but I don't know if you people are sick of hearing about it... judging from my email, the answer is no, but hey, it has come to my attention from my guildmates reading about cacks and what not isn't the best for recruiting cross server applications and diminishes our star power - just think of it this way though, in a decade or so when the media starts digging up the dirt on my past and my campaign is flailing about madly in spin control, maybe you can be the one that gives the expose interview to 20/20 about being guilded with that "penis dude" or takes the hush money - the choice is yours, and in the end, isn't that what it's all about? I wrote up a classic incident for your reading pleasure, and maybe I'll post it if the stalkers demand it, so email me with your comments, concern or questions - please, please, no requests for autographed wrist braces at this time, but flames and adorations always welcome~!
Stalkers, Wanna-be's and Unoriginal Bastards
Quotes of the Day
And not to leave you all hanging, the lost Lysel