What Came and Distorted Your Sight, Saw You Benighted By Your Fright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday, May 31, 2004 -- evermore

It's been ages since this page has been updated. Some of the EQ Uberguilds have moved or are moving on to WoW beta. Quarm is pharm material. The much loved steamroll is now non-existant, except for a minor exception. Updating this page and keeping it entertaining is difficult at best. The updaters before me had a certain panache, which I do not even claim to have. Yet, for some sick reason, I cannot wait to see what our stalkers do to my character name. Tigole and Tork made the LoS page an EQ legend, in my opinion. The amount of stalkers and unoriginal bastards alone proves that. If I can reach half the level of achievement updating this page as they did. I'd feel I accomplished something.
That said, I am not going to take the same approach as Tig or Tork. While the "what is best to use to clean up your saq" or "what guild is the biggest assholes on this server" are inevitable, I have decided to use a unique approach for updates on this page. I am going to ask you submit your own tales of myrth and woe. The best one will get posted in a new feature, Player's Voice. There will be certain guidelines that will need to be followed but the best story will get posted along with the obligatory kill shots and stalkers. To Submit, Click Here To be totally honest, funny is king, and use some class when submitting.
Legacy of Steel is looking for the HARDCORE!

Fair Use and Parody, Fuckers
Enchanters, Rogues, Beastlords, Druids and Bards especially wanted!
Post or send an email to Here .
On to GoD...
This fight is fun when it goes right. If you screw up, the clusterfuck
it becomes is amazing.
It was SO much fun that....
On to Qvic! I'll have some shots from Qvic in the next update.
CragBitch Queen.....DEAD!
Death to lizards! This was so much fun it might take the place of
killing gnomes.
Loot was for quest items. Such as...
We Met Some Other New Friends........and Killed

Obligatory Lewtz Shots

Some Things Never Change....

Last but not least.....
Hey Tork! I do not know HOW you missed this