Wake Up. Grab a little brush and Makeup... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday, June 15, 2004 -- evermore

As most everyone knows by now, Sony brought a contingent of players and EQ related website representatives to EQHQ for a little meeting. Tikker went as our representative. Legacy wants to thank Tikker for taking the time to go to this and express our concerns. Tikker's report on this is available here. Give it a read!
Pretty much everyone has posted their take on this. I am not going to drag this out or trash Sony's efforts, but I do have a few things I would like to put out there.
1st off, EQ has been a shit sandwich for awhile. I have to ask why it is now, all of a sudden, that EQ management is interested in the players input. Ah I know they say they have been all along but if you go back and read all the complaints on the boards over the years, you can see what I mean. I myself sent an email to John Smedley about a year and a half ago. Unfortunately I lost his response to a disc crash. I can tell you it wasn't in the same spirit that is being displayed now.
2nd thing, as I understand it, the dev that is designing the high end content plays a lvl 30 character. If someone could confirm this for me it’d be great, because this explains a lot. I’ll reserve comments until this is confirmed.
3rd, I hope Sony has plans or has a means in place to continue this level of communication. It would go along way to keep EQ alive and viable.
Lastly, and only cause I can, my own pet peeves.
Spell Casting
Fizzles. I play a cleric as my main character. I find it extremely irritating that I still fizzle on spells I have cast who knows how many fucking times. I know this applies to other caster classes as well, and missed notes for bards. Please oh PLEASE retune this. I can understand fizzles on new spells or as a young character but on a spell I cant even guess as to how many time I have cast?
Loot Tables
One of the most frustrating things in EQ is to have to clear a shit load of yard trash to get to a named, only to have him drop shitty loot or good loot that no one can use. FIX THIS PLEASE, Thanks!
It is hearting to see Sony making the effort. I just wish this would have
been the case the whole 4 years I have been playing. I can’t help
but think that the availability of games on the same level and quality of
EQ is having an impact. Competition is a good thing.

Here is some of the carnage from our latest forays into Qvic.
Am I the only one that sees a theme here? I mean LOOK at all the cool
new models!
Obligatory Lewtz Shots
Lucky bastard!
Players Voice
The GuideLines are up. I kept them pretty simple. Give a read and let’s see what you guys got!
Quotes of the Day
The chronicles of the frog
Stalkers and Unoriginal Bastards....
My 1st Stalker! Not very imaginative but hey I'll take it!