No matter where you go......there you are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday, November 5, 2005 -- Telegareth

It has been a while since my last update, and lots has been going on that needs to be addressed. I'll start off with the latest expansion Depths of Darkhollow. I really enjoy this expansion, more than the rest. It is a departure from the same old game in that you don't sit in one place and kill the same 10 mobs over and over again to gain your power (you can if you really want to however) but the options available for progression are many and varied. The biggest change isn't just the monster missions or the progression tasks that can be done whenever you want to, and it isn't the ability to become a monster npc to fight alongside your friends, and it isn't even the many rewards for performing various tasks in the new expansion. The biggest change is that the game is moving towards providing you with more action and less inaction.
EverQuest isn't just about grinding mobs till raid time anymore. Loot isn't just for those lucky enough to get the named spawn at their camp, and it's not just for those who spend their time raiding the big mobs. I'm excited to see that the fun that I find in raiding is starting to trickle down to the single group level and it is looking like the competition of other MMOs has had a very good effect on our game.
So, what has the Evil Empire been doing since the new expansion has released? Killing things and taking their stuff, what else? We've been progressing through the new expansion getting everyone thier keys and flags and kills to hit the Demiplane of Blood with force.

We've also gotten a few new trinkets from our various kills, unfortunately I've only got the three loots below, but that's a fair sampling from the progression raids at least

Now the Evil Empire is in the Demiplane of Blood, with more screenshots of dead mobs and loot to be seen soon.
Quotes and Notes.........
Have you ever wondered if that Paladin who is so nice might be after something a little different than the normal guy?

I don't really want explanations for those.....
Our own Lightup was having a bad night...

Geronima offers relationship advice..

Cymerala offers tatoo advice...

Here is something you probably didn't know about poop...

And Sappy gives the the low down on Ninjas...

Tele's Top Five:
1. Graphics and Animations - We still need new ones. Yes, I've heard that it would take approximately 8 man-years to create all new ones. How about outsourcing this to India too?
2. Customer Service - We need server GM's back. The current customer solution is a poster child for laziness.
3. What's the problem with /taskadd at times? It's really un-fun to have to get a new task because that lvl 70 character you wanted to add to your task will throw off the level difference from the other 50 lvl 70 characters in it. Fix please!
4. The new spell research is annoying and totally un-fun. I mean, 5 sub-combines to even clean a piece of parchment is obnoxious. Whoever thought this would be cool probably still builds model airplanes....
5. For the love of whatever deity you worship make the target box on corpses larger. Yes, your mobs look neato, all 5 9 of them, but when they are dead, and I go to loot the body, I'm sick and tired of having to run around so i can click on the soles of feet or on the crotch to be able to get anything off the bod. Do all mobs hide their cash and goodies in their crotches? Killing a mob is less stressful than finding the correct spot on a corpse to click to get the loot. Something is amiss here and needs to be fixed.
Got anything you would like to share for the Top Five list? email Telegareth or go visit our boards and post something for me and I'll keep it for the next update list.
Huge thanks to the awesome people at Bizfu....