A Cross upon her bedroom wall, from which, she will
fall... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.Saturday, May 6, 2006 -- evermore
Legacy of Steel is looking for the
Fair Use and Parody, FuckersLegacy is looking for the hardcore players. If you raid every night and know your class, Legacy wants YOU
Cross-Server Applications Welcome
Bards, Enchanters, Clerics, Wizards, Shaman, Rangers and Mages are especially wanted!
Post or send an email to Here .

Fair Use and Parody, FuckersLegacy is looking for the hardcore players. If you raid every night and know your class, Legacy wants YOU
Cross-Server Applications Welcome
Bards, Enchanters, Clerics, Wizards, Shaman, Rangers and Mages are especially wanted!
Post or send an email to Here .
Snowtail Dead!

In another in a long line of Nameless Firsts, Snowtail has bit the
dust.Loot was decient thou almost non-existant
PoR loot tables REALLY suck ass and
need to be fixed, BAD! All the work killing yard trash that hits
for 4k and all the names drop is 1 lousy loot?And what the fuck is

The History of Legacy of Steel
Tele had a good idea. We are putting together a history of Legacy of
Steel. We have asked our alumni to post their memories on your message
board. As this builds, I will be adding a link here to the history page.
You may or may not recongnize some of the names, but the stories and the
history itself is interesting.Stay Tuned!
Sullon Zek!
Is it me or does she look horny?

OMG Lewtz

Quotes of the Day

The Return of Stalkers and Unoriginal Bastards!

Thanks to the awesome folks at